Damn. You're prescient the way your articles mirror EXACTLY what I'm going through. There's a legion of writers out here who feel the same, which is what makes your voice essential. Marketing sucks. I'm used to beginning a job, a project, an idea, and more often than not, coming to a conclusion, checking off the to-do list, taking a breath and saying, "finished". But marketing? NEVER DONE. NEVER ENOUGH. And so, as my release date looms, I stay awake at night going over what more I can do, what I've left undone, where I've fallen short. As always, thank you for your words.
Oh my God! I thought this shit was easier with an editor and a paid team. WTF?!
We all have imposter syndrome: worse if you are a working-class person of color. I feel it. Daily in every aspect of my life from being a professor to an activist to a mama.
Es mas, I fantasize about quitting my full-time job and writing, but alas with a kid about to attend high school with Ivy League dreams, forget it.
I was an Air Force officer right after college. One of the Majors I reported to often said, "No guts, No glory." I salute your courage for trying to make a living as a writer. I had that conversation with myself many times though in the end financial reality won out. I made a good living working for large companies and I liked regular paychecks, health insurance, and 401k plans. When I finally achieved "Go to Hell" money, I retired. Now I can write for the joy of writing and connecting with readers without worrying about paying the rent. I didn't have the courage to do what you are doing.
It sounds like you have a good team behind you and you are treating your writing as a business. Control what you can which is the writing and engaging positively with your audience. Also, continue to work with your team in as positive a way as you can. Remember that EVERYONE on that team, your readers, as well as your family and friends are rooting for you to succeed so Prove Them Right!
If you don't meditate already, it might be a good time to start. Just get comfortable, close your eyes and envision success in whatever that means for you. It could be sales or great reviews or being on the NY Times top book list. Worrying is nothing but negative goal setting. So focus on positive goal setting and do whatever you can to make that happen.
Good luck and we are all cheering for your success!
I appreciate your honest insights. Writing often feels so lonely, so knowing those creeping dreads are not mine alone encourages. I am sending wishes for this newest success, because I feel certain it will, indeed, be a smash hit!
Brother, I feel it too, and I’m but a tiny spec in this world of words. I can’t imagine the weight on your shoulders. I do know one thing, you’re not gonna disappoint! 🖤
Thanks for the honest and vulnerable share here. It’s scary stuff tearing open your chest and showing the world your beating heart, and I can imagine how the added infrastructure and expectations can make it scarier still. Looking forward to reading the new work!
Thank you for being so raw, you shared a truth that every single artist has felt and had to go through during the process of what project is next. I love that you spoke on how there's the feeling it needs to be bigger or better than the last one. Some works are going to be far different than another one, while this one resonates with this particular group of folks, this one here has pieces of your very soul stitched into it and only a handful of folks understand and love it. As a reader/reviewer I can fall in love with something that's fantastic but because the author isn't well known, people won't bother reading it. Social media has caused a certain amount of pressure and anxiety to push only the most popular, which is sad, even BooksAMillion has a Booktok section. Anyway, I am rambling. Congrats on the new book!! I can't wait to read it!
I read and keep ALL your commentary and advice! ....Yoda of the craft of writing you are!!!!! :)
Damn. You're prescient the way your articles mirror EXACTLY what I'm going through. There's a legion of writers out here who feel the same, which is what makes your voice essential. Marketing sucks. I'm used to beginning a job, a project, an idea, and more often than not, coming to a conclusion, checking off the to-do list, taking a breath and saying, "finished". But marketing? NEVER DONE. NEVER ENOUGH. And so, as my release date looms, I stay awake at night going over what more I can do, what I've left undone, where I've fallen short. As always, thank you for your words.
Oh my God! I thought this shit was easier with an editor and a paid team. WTF?!
We all have imposter syndrome: worse if you are a working-class person of color. I feel it. Daily in every aspect of my life from being a professor to an activist to a mama.
Es mas, I fantasize about quitting my full-time job and writing, but alas with a kid about to attend high school with Ivy League dreams, forget it.
I was an Air Force officer right after college. One of the Majors I reported to often said, "No guts, No glory." I salute your courage for trying to make a living as a writer. I had that conversation with myself many times though in the end financial reality won out. I made a good living working for large companies and I liked regular paychecks, health insurance, and 401k plans. When I finally achieved "Go to Hell" money, I retired. Now I can write for the joy of writing and connecting with readers without worrying about paying the rent. I didn't have the courage to do what you are doing.
It sounds like you have a good team behind you and you are treating your writing as a business. Control what you can which is the writing and engaging positively with your audience. Also, continue to work with your team in as positive a way as you can. Remember that EVERYONE on that team, your readers, as well as your family and friends are rooting for you to succeed so Prove Them Right!
If you don't meditate already, it might be a good time to start. Just get comfortable, close your eyes and envision success in whatever that means for you. It could be sales or great reviews or being on the NY Times top book list. Worrying is nothing but negative goal setting. So focus on positive goal setting and do whatever you can to make that happen.
Good luck and we are all cheering for your success!
I appreciate your honest insights. Writing often feels so lonely, so knowing those creeping dreads are not mine alone encourages. I am sending wishes for this newest success, because I feel certain it will, indeed, be a smash hit!
Brother, I feel it too, and I’m but a tiny spec in this world of words. I can’t imagine the weight on your shoulders. I do know one thing, you’re not gonna disappoint! 🖤
Preorder ✅
Thank you for sharing with us. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there, exposing your fears, in order to help other writers.
Your words are encouraging.
Good luck with your release! I’m rooting for you 🙂
Few people know the pressure you feel right now. Eat well, hydrate, and breathe. Enjoy the small things, they matter too.
Totally! Especially the fear of letting others down.
Thanks for the honest and vulnerable share here. It’s scary stuff tearing open your chest and showing the world your beating heart, and I can imagine how the added infrastructure and expectations can make it scarier still. Looking forward to reading the new work!
I understand and empathize with you and this experience. And my preorder just dropped into my Audible account so…off we go! 🤜🤛
Thank you for this. It's comforting somehow. I'm looking forward to receiving your book on Thursday, and happy pub day eve!
Thank you for being so raw, you shared a truth that every single artist has felt and had to go through during the process of what project is next. I love that you spoke on how there's the feeling it needs to be bigger or better than the last one. Some works are going to be far different than another one, while this one resonates with this particular group of folks, this one here has pieces of your very soul stitched into it and only a handful of folks understand and love it. As a reader/reviewer I can fall in love with something that's fantastic but because the author isn't well known, people won't bother reading it. Social media has caused a certain amount of pressure and anxiety to push only the most popular, which is sad, even BooksAMillion has a Booktok section. Anyway, I am rambling. Congrats on the new book!! I can't wait to read it!
Can’t wait to read the book!
You’ve got this, kemo sabe.
A heartfelt "best of luck" on you new book!