Gabino is there a site that you would recommend for indie publishers? The ones I could find aren't too good, i.e. never open for submissions or only thru agents, which brings us back to square one. Thanks

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My call for subs don't require agents, but there are no call for submissions at the moment.

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HEAR HEAR. Thank you.

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Yes to everything...

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Thanks for this, Gabino!

And dang! I wished I could’ve gone to Necon this year. Sounds like it was an awesome time!

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#Facts. I own an indie charity press, barriobluespress.com. 1/2 the royalties go to the author and to a charity OR 100% to the charity. I have events for my writers and market. I even have connections to libraries and put the books on stack.

I am about to give royalties for the last six months to the last poet I published. (Have a great time eating dinner at a mid-range place, sans alcohol, John.) If that dude relied on the royalties from the collection I published, he'd be on the breadline, possibly camping in a tent in Canada. Indie publishing is hard as fuck. Hard. BUT, I always give my writers a clear contract about payment and boxes of books. ALWAYS. I try to make the process as enjoyable and cooperative as possible, and the work I put out there is brilliant. (Yeah, I get that it's a poetry collection. Anthologies are no better.)

That does not lead to sales. Don't get me started on book reviews. Fuck.

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Dr. Estrada: My sense is you are doing good work. Bravo and onward. It can't be easy. I've been accused of going hard on agents and publishers, but I do not envy their work. For every legitimate writer there's ten thousand raving, deluded people carpet bombing inboxes. I know what I'd say. Unless you have a long history of professional work, leave me alone.

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