Great article. I wondered if you would be interested in doing a version of this idea for WriterCon Magazine. If that interests you, email me: willbern@gmail.com. Thanks! Bill Bernhardt

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Hey Man! This couldn’t arrive on a best time. I’ve been struggling for some while in the revision stage of some of my short stories and this really gives me some good suggestions to try.

Would be awesome to have more insides of the reviewing process later on, or more writing wisdom.

Muchas gracias!

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Thanks for this. I am under a mountain of edits right now, and this is going to be a helpful thing to refer back to while I'm making all those other fixes.

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I love this!! As a reader/editor/writer you really do have to switch hats! These are wicked tips! One thing that irks me as a reader (mostly cuz of my autism and OCD) is when a work is amazing but then there are so many little issues I can't concentrate on the story. It works both ways though, when I beta read I don't feel comfortable letting the author know every single issue with punctuation or grammar..but it's so hard not to do that! 😂 I have to remind myself that I'm not editing or proofreading. Oh, the whole honest feedback thing gets me in trouble, I never know if my honesty is going to be taken as me just being an asshole. Am I supposed to be like, "how honest would you like me to be? Hurt feelings honest?"

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